A Photo A Week Challenge: From the Side

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Mighty mover!

You heard the conductor! Let’s ride The Blue Ridge Scenic Railway.

Taking a slow scenic railroad train from Blue Ridge to McCaysville, Georgia Cooper Hill, Tennessee. The Blue Ridge Scenic Railway was a quiet and leisurely ride to the stop where a town is split in two states. So which “side” do you want be on? Georgia or Tennessee?

Yes there is an actual line through stores, restaurants and streets. Even a brewery! So choose a side, light (IPA) or dark (stout). Choose wisely!

Cooper Hill, Tennessee had their own train too.

#aphotoaweekchallenge #nadiamerrillphotography #wordpress #robertsnapspot #sideview #sidetracked #sidestep #sidecar #TwitterNatureCommunity #train #YourShotPhotographer #photographyblog #lightroom#Jul2021 ⁣#wordpress #photography #BlueRidgeGeorgia #CanonEOSRebelSL1 #Challenge #iPhone8Plus #McCaysville #Georgia #Copperhill #Tennessee #NikonD3200 #scenic #tracks #train #traveling #chooseaside

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