Toadstool Tuesday – The Look Back: August 2021

What is this I see? Coriolus Versicolor? It is indeed!

Fungi are out there. You just have to know where to look.

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Make the time to stop and see the mushrooms grow!

#flowersbyday #FOTD #Aug2023 #floweryourfeed #ToadstoolTuesday #robertsnapspot ⁣#beauty #TwitterNatureCommunity #iPhone12 #YourShotPhotographer #Toadstool #mushroom #growth #Nature #ShotoniPhone12ProMax #iphone12ProMax #ThePoconos #Fungi #iphone12ProMax #ThePoconos #Blakeshee #Pennsylvania #thelookback



  1. I would’ve walked right past them, but they are very beautiful! They remind me of babies with bonnets on their heads.

    1. Author

      I stop and see everything. Neal walks away most times not even realizing I stopped. Baby bonnets is cute. I can see them like little cabbage patch doll heads.

  2. Mushrooms and other fungi are underrated I believe. Their beauty can be as vibrant as a colorful summer garden.

    1. Author

      Their strangeness and their beauty has always been a fascination. Also, they’re so beneficial to life, our life on earth.

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