What to say, what to do? Alas, July is gone.

“Words to repeat to yourself at the end of July:

I am proud of the ways I am learning to let go.
I am free to feel what I need to feel for everything that happened this month. I am free to be gentle with myself as I work through those feelings.
The small amounts of progress I've made this July are integral parts of my growth.
I am grateful for the progress I’ve made in learning when to say ‘no’ and when to say ‘yes.’
I am grateful for every opportunity I’ve had to grow in empathy and compassion.
I am grateful for the good music that found me this month.
I do not know all of what the future holds, but I will be grateful for slow and steady growth.
No matter what awaits me in August, I will continue to breathe deep. I will travel through each day seeking big and small ways to practice peace.
Somehow, after everything, I am learning to fall in love with the journey.”

— Morgan Harper Nichols

These are what I captured, my last photos on the card.

From my iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Canning, jarring or pickling. Neal and I have done a few this month. (left to right)

Jar 1. Roasted Tomatillos Salsa

Jar 2. Pickled Green Beans

Jar 3. Pickled Jalapeños

Jar 4. Pickled Cucumbers

Some how I took no pictures with my Canon EOS Rebel Sl1.

Ok photogs, I have to get back to “snappin” some pics. Looking forward to an amazing month! Later!

What did July mean to you? What about your photos? Have you ever canned, jarred or pickled? I want to know.

Last on the Card Challenge

#photochallege #Jul2023 #thelastphoto #iPhone #robertsnapspot #photography #iphone13ProMax #iphonephotography #Canon #shotoncanon #CanonEOSRebelSl1 #endofthemonth #Nature #YourShotPhotographer #photographyblog #wordpress #shotoniPhone13ProMax #sunflowerphotography #lastonthecard #photographerseye #beauty #wpphotographyblog #photooftheday #MorganHarperNichols #Canning #Pickling #RoastedTomatillosSalsa #PickledGreenBeans #PickledJalapeños


    1. Author

      I love pickled red onions Matt! They pair well with so many dishes.

  1. You and Neal certainly have been busy in the kitchen. Are they made from produce in your garden? Yummy Last Photo Robert. Thanks for joining in :) :)

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